Our Gardening Project - Term 4 2015

We are learning:

To write and observe how our pumpkin seed is growing into a plant.

Success Criteria:

We will know we are successful when we can describe the life cycle of a plant.

Olivia's Mihi

Learning Intention:
I am learning to introduce myself by reciting my mihi.

Success Criteria:
To be successful I will say my mihi correctly.

Term 4 Numeracy

I am learning to

  • count forwards and backwards from 20.
I will know I am successful when:
  • I write(form) my numbers correctly
  • I can quickly write the numbers from 1-20 in correct order
  • I can quickly write the numbers from 20-1 in correct order

Term 4 Breakout - Folk Dancing


We are learning to show:

Community - 

By demonstrating our Learner Dispositions of Connect and Collaborate

Active Thinking - 

By demonstrating our Learner Dispositions of Question and Be Curious

Respect - 

By demonstrating our Learner Dispositions of Empathise and Communicate

Excellence - 

By demonstrating our Learner Dispositions of being Self Aware and Resilient

Success Criteria:

We prove we can consistently show Community, Active Thinking, Respect and Excellence when we get our Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates.

Hui - Identifying Kai

Learning Intention:
I am learning to understand and use some familiar food vocabulary

Success Criteria:
I will be successful when I can identify kai pictures and say the words correctly.

Technology - Forces & Motion

Technology Brief
Your moving toy needs to:

  • Have a body that can hold a plastic teddy bear.
  • Have at least two wheels that move by themselves.
    • You can push it to start it moving
  • Move past the 1 metre line at the bottom of the ramp.

Art - Warm and Cold colours

Learning Intention:
I am learning to identify what art elements and techniques I have used.

Success Criteria:

To be successful I will identify what art elements and techniques I have used in my picture.

Easy Blog Photo

Singing Waiata at Hui

Learning Intention:
I am learning to show excellence by joining in and singing waiata properly at hui time.

Success Criteria:
To be successful I will join in and and put lots of effort into singing waiata properly with my classmates.

Term 3 - shape

Learning Intention:
I am learning to identify and sort 2D shapes.

Success Criteria:
I will be successful when I can name 2D shapes and sort them in different ways.

Rich task at the beginning of the unit:
Easy Blog Photo

Rich task at the end of the unit:


Learning Intention:
I am learning to create and perform a sequence that links 2 shapes.

Success Criteria:
I will be successful when I perform a sequence that I have created that links 2 shapes with a roll.

Term 3 writing

Learning Intention:
I am learning to describe a character using lots of describing words/adjectives.

Success Criteria:
To be successful I will put at least 5 describing words into my story.

Olivia is planning her writing using a brainstorm.

Olivia created a Chatterpix video about her cat Mini.

Talking about my Must do's at reading time

Learning Intention:
I am learning to complete my Must do's independently and talk about my learning with my buddy.

Success Criteria:

I will be successful when I complete my Must do's independently before learning time is finished and talk about my learning.


We are learning to:
  • use non standard equipment to measure
  • compare two measurements
  • use measurement words to talk about our learning
Success Criteria

  • Start in the correct place
  • Use the same equipment (size) to measure something
  • Put equipment close together, without spaces
  • Measure in a straight line
  • Use words like: measure, long, wide, narrow, longer than, shorter than, wider than, narrower than, the same as
This is a photo of Olivia ordering her gingerbread men from smallest to biggest.

This is a video of Olivia proving which car has gone further and explaining how she knows.

Physical Education

Learning Intention: 
I am learning to use the right force and the side of my foot to get my ball between the cones.

Success Criteria:
I will be successful when my ball goes between the cones without touching them.

Well done Olivia. You are using the side of your foot correctly.

Making Kites and flying them

Learning Intention:
I am learning to make a kite and describe how it moves using movement words.

Success criteria:

I will be successful when I make a kite and talk about how it moved outside.

My favourite thing was flying the kites outside.

My numbers

Learning Intention:
I am learning to write my numbers up to 20.

Succes criteria:
I will be successful when I write my numbers the right way up to 20.

Easy Blog Photo

I can almost do it.

Star of the Week

I am doing the roll in the morning.

I will use a loud clear voice when I am saying good morning.

I will look at the person I am saying good morning to.

Olivia's Published Writing

We are learning to write about our personal experiences and share them with others like good authors do.

Exploring Movement

Today we moved our bodies in different ways. We pushed, pulled, swung, turned and we moved fast, slow, forwards, backwards, sideways and diagonally.

We then moved in the class with a partner to find different things in our classroom that moves and how they move. We shared with the class one thing that we found and shared how it moves.

Art Attack

My Self-Portrait

I can use several art elements - line, shape, form, texture, colour and space - on my portrait but I am not sure when or why to use them.

I can draw my mouth, nose and eyes in the right place and in the right size.

I can describe some of the elements I see if different artworks.